Your event can impart more than pure knowledge
Team Events
Supporting programs for your conference
Good and trusting cooperation within the teams or between customers and providers cannot simply be taken for granted. Sometimes, hard work is required to develop trust, understanding, and the right type of communication. Involving the aspect of fun is often best. And, more and more frequently, with a clear objective, within the conference, but outside the conference room.
What makes a good supporting program successful?
And what is included in your briefing for the DEKRA supporting program experts?
- It matches the objective and the participants (how well do the participants already know each other, age, proportion of women or men, how sporty or active are the participants etc.).
- What was already done at past events and what was well received or not so well received?
- How much time is available and what budget do you have in mind?
- What must definitely not happen?
Very often, it is considered as particularly important that the colleagues or bosses are got to know in a different role. After all, at their desk, most people always show the same side of their personality. When people see each other in a sports outfit or on a seemingly rickety segway for the first time, they suddenly discover a different side. This alone is usually an exciting experience.
The most popular supporting programs
Safety is emphasized. Fun too. After an intensive briefing, an expert guides you into the country. The tour can last from one to three hours. Important: Suitable clothing – depending on the season – perhaps gloves. Comfortable shoes, preferably sports shoes. Who cannot take part: people who have problems with their sense of balance.